"I got nothing to say I ain't said before
I bled all I can, I won't bleed no more
I don't need no one to understand
Why the blood run hold
The hired hand
On heart
Hand of god
Floodland and driven apart
Run cold
Thinking about writing this, I've looked at the lyrics for this song for the first time in twenty-three years and am quite surprised how little ostensible sense they make. This is a single as an edifice as much as a song, Eldritch creating a whole city in song, vast in every way (if I remember correctly, a forty voice choir multitracked forty times!), big but also crammed with detail. The sensation for the listener is immersive, especially on headphones or played loud - you feel as though you have lived through this rather than merely heard it.
"On days like this
In times like these
I feel an animal deep inside
Heel to haunch on bended knees
Living on if and if I tried,
Somebody send me... please..."
It's a song for end of days. At the heart of it is a glaring irony: A massive baroque construction is a hymn to destruction and collapse.
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