Sunday 17 March 2019

A Comedy On This Day: Robin's Nest - The Anniversary Waltz (17 March 1981)

 This series has a famous admirer. In the live Las Vegas edition of Knowing Me Knowing You With Alan Partridge the host interviews veteran New York Jewish comedian Bernie Rosen (David Schneider):
Alan Partridge: What's your favourite sitcom?
Bernie Rosen: The Golden Girls
Alan Partridge: Right. Right. Mine is Robin's Nest. It was brilliant actually. Richard O'Sullivan ran this restaurant and it really was chaos. Yeah, and the man who did the washing up only had one arm. When you think about it, it's ridiculous. Needless to say plenty of plates got broken and Robin got annoyed. It was very funny. Now, let's move on. Let's not beat about the bush - You are a Jew....
 This George Layton-scripted episode would probably be the one that Alan would show to Bernie Rosen to prove his case: "They didn't say they were a coach party - they said they were a kosher party!" The escalating comedy as Robin Tripp crashes his father-in-law's car dashing between Robin's Nest, a local Salt Beef Cafe and the top-of-the-range restaurant where he had planned to have an anniversary meal with his wife is no Fawlty Towers: Gourmet Night, but just about passes the time. The most interesting aspect is the chance to watch two dozen of 1981 Teddington's top Jewish non-speaking extras in action, some of whom look a bit familiar.

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